It’s been a busy half year so far, so it’s understandable you may have missed some interesting startups raising money. Don’t worry, we have you covered as we run down a handful that caught our eye.
After the peak of 2021, the size of Y Combinator batches have come down, but the accelerator still launches the largest number of companies in a...
Immigrants have long driven the American tech industry, writes guest author Sasha Ramani, who explains that in order to keep up with innovations in...
Many people with overlooked and underestimated backgrounds lack access to careers in venture capital because of affinity bias and knowledge...
A startup needed to raise $200 million or more to break into this list for the April edition in a month that also saw a half-dozen rounds of a...
One of the most effective ways for a business to generate brand awareness is to establish a thought leadership profile. Renee Sieli, the founder of...
Recruiting the right team is the first step in ensuring any startup's success, however, that is easier said than done. Guest author Alex Axelrod of...
The role of a CEO can be incredibly isolating, but there are ways to combat the feeling of solitude felt by many. Crunchbase News guest contributor...
Our fifth annual study — produced through a collaboration between Him For Her and Crunchbase — which characterizes the boards of the most heavily...
Nearly half of food service employers today say they need more workers. Theoretically, automation could go a long way to ease the labor shortage.
To offer guidance to startup founders on how to grow their businesses through the tumultuous early period, venture firm Index Ventures tracked 210...