In the 10 years since Initialized’s founding, the San Francisco-based firm has racked up an impressive stable of unicorn startups—private companies...
Seed funding
Accel and Index Ventures are by far the most active investors in European unicorns over time. And their lead persists when it comes to investments in...
In recent years, venture investment to Nigeria has mostly been trending upward. Using Crunchbase data, we looked at total reported seed and venture...
While funding to Latinx startups in the U.S. has grown, it remains a sliver of the overall venture capital investment pie.
The broad findings from a Crunchbase data dive into most active venture investors in South America and Central America are that the region’s largest...
Seed funding experienced steep growth in the past decade, with more than 40,000 U.S.-based startups raising this early capital since 2011, per...
In the capital rush, investors' wallets have lost their might. Startups need to be asking for investors' expertise, tools to scale and brand weight...
The spurt in early-stage dealmaking around climate finance coincides with several broader developments boosting demand for scalable approaches to...
Balderton has closed its largest early-stage fund of $600 million, to invest at seed and Series A. The new fund follows closely on the heels of the...
Venture capital investment is a major economic driver in some U.S. states. In others, it plays a much smaller role. To get a sense of how states...
The findings from our latest survey of per capita venture capital investment across a sample set of 24 countries that pulled in more than $1 billion...